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2009 Kids

BLUE TWINS!  We have a pair of blue percentage myotonics for sale, born early June 2009. One male, one female.  They are 75% and we have seen them faint.  Both are horned and absolutely beautiful in color.  Pics coming soon!
Buckling - $125; Doeling - $200

Due to her very soft, cashmere coat we planned on keeping her for reserve stock, but due to a small underbite she exhibits at times, we have decided to sell her. She would make a great pet and she faints easily. This is he first case of underbite we have had, and its very minimal (most of the time you dont even see it), so it may not carry down into her kids but there IS a possibility. Her gentle nature, beautiful markings, and ability to faint certainely make up for her one little flaw.
This doeling is SOLD

100% Myotonic. Registered with MGR
Sire: Phantom Farms Tuff Stuff ~~ Dam: Tuckersville Tanya

DOB: 03/19/09
50% Myotonic

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